“The hacker didn't succeed through sophistication. Rather he poked at obvious places, trying to enter through unlock doors. Persistence, not wizardry, let him through.”

One of my passions is cybersecurity.  My career started by working as a QA tester instead of in development.  This gave me an interesting outlook when I moved to development as I was constantly thinking like a hacker first when trying to develop secure code.  I currently work to develop a cloud based SaaS offering providing Identity and Access Management. Diving deeper, I really enjoy exploring OIDC applications, Identity Proofing, and using OpenShift Container Platform. I have dealt with very large customer data migrations of millions of users. I have also worked on MFA technologies and policies. I was awarded an outstanding technical achievement award for my work with MFA policies. I have been a part of architecting repeatable cloud infrastructure deployments using Terraform.


Work experience

Sep 2020  - Present


Advisory Software Engineer

Apr 2017  -Sep 2020


Staff Software Engineer

Jun 2015  - Apr 2017


Software Engineer


2010 - 2015

Texas A&M University - Bachelor's Degree - Computer Engineering